What is the Head Center About?
It is about mental pressure and it is also the center for inspiration to conceptualise and to understand. It fuels the questions that we are driven to find answers to.
Which Gates are in the Head Center?
When we look at the head center there are three gates. Gate 64 which is the gate of confusion before completion. Gate 63 which is the the gate of doubt after completion. Gate 61 which is the gate of mystery and inner truth.
Which Group does the Head Center belong to?
Belongs to the Pressure Center group
What is the source of the Head Center?
Source of the pressure to think, conceptualize and the pressure to act or to use energy.
The Defined Head Center
If you have a defined head center, it means that there is a fixed and consistent source of pressure. It means you are under pressure mentally to think about things. Your mind is often active and probably in its own way able to figure things out. It will also be thinking about the questions that matter to you. A defined head center has the potential to be inspired and be inspiring to others through what you think about. The head center shows us the contents of our thoughts but not necessarily the conclusion of our thoughts.
A defined Head Center has specific contents to your own mental process. Through your own mental process you come to your own understanding and sense.
If your head center is defined you will automatically have a defined Ajna and they work well together. Where the head center is the pressure to think and the contents of our thoughts, the Ajna is the mental processing center.
As you get to know your defined head center to will begin to see that you have your own way of figuring things out, a unique mental process. If your mind is trying to answer a question you might find that it will just keep going over things until you get some sort of knowing or insight. on the other hand you might have a very logical mind and you can just look at something and tell that something is off a kind of doubt. You will then have your own mental process of resolving doubt.
You might find that your mind rarely turn off, it is active and fixed. Over time you could find that your mind can find it own silence.
Open Head Center
If you have an open head center there is no consistent source of mental pressure and inspiration. The need to figure things out is not consistent. The openness lets you see into the thoughts of others and pick up on the thoughts of others. This allows you to evaluate what is worthwhile and inspiring on a mental level. This is about pressure and not intelligence. When the head is open it allows you to pick up on pressure from the world around you.
The Healthy State of Defined Head Center
Creates and sustains mental pressure in the world to grasp and understand things
Not knowing, confusion and doubt until you find clarity is a natural process. There is nothing wrong with confusion or having doubts.
The process of resolving has its own timing.
There is ability to uplift and empower others with insights and inspiration.
Has a capacity to provide outer authority for others. This means you can provide a kind of guidance to others.Healthy State Undefined Head Center
The openness means that there is ease in exploring ideas and inspiration coming from all directions.
There can be curiosity and wonder to the things you don’t know.
In a healthy state the open head center does not have compulsion to act on mental pressure.
Does not take on the pressure of others need for answers. For example if someone around you is very busy trying to find an answer you dont take on that energy as your own quest.
The open head center can be an outer authority for others. This is because of the broadness of what you can think about. Natural intelligence can be a resource for others.
You can enjoy stimulation and mental pressure without becoming identified with it.
There can be enjoyment around questions and doubts that may arise without feeling that you have to figure it out. There is trust that things will become clear in their own time.Not Self State for a Defined Head Center
Can become fixated on mental pressure which then turns in on ourselves. This can cause a drive towards anxiety, self doubt or depression. It is a type of confusion that we fight with and resist at the same time. The confusion then is that our thought process should be different than what it is.
The head center is not the natural authority of any design. The mental pressure and the mental process is not designed to be the source or the driver of our actions. Our mental process is there for us to look out into the world with through the way we think about things. The mind is not meant to come up with answers to issues in our life. The head center is not meant to be the source to actions in our lives. In an unhealthy sate the defined head center may attempt to resolve things by taking hasty and inappropriate actions.
When a defined head center and understand that confusion is part of the process and there is not need to fight with it you will be able to share that with others.
Can be incapable of remaining patient and the busyness of taking action can result in missed opportunities for real inspiration.Not Self State of an Undefined head Center
The Open Head center in an unhealthy state is one that can easily become lost or overwhelmed by doubt and confusion.
It can become plagued or driven to resolve mental pressure.
Tries to resolve other peoples questions by taking on the worries of others.
The unhealthy state of an open head center my try to release mental pressure through action. Where does this mental pressure come from? It comes from others, relationships, things you read, things you come into contact with. These things start to influence your mind. You may start to experiment and notice how your open head starts to think around certain people. Look for people that get you intellectually and mentally stimulated, notice what effect that person has on you. When you are around them you might notice that you start thinking like them. Then when you are away from them it goes away. You may notice that when you are around certain people you feel more mental pressure. A way to resolve this is just to have physical space from them.
An open head center in an unhealthy state can loose focus and have a hard time knowing what to think about.Open Head Center Conditioning
In a nutshell the theme for Open Head Center Conditioning is thinking about things that don’t matter. The head center is all about the contents of our thoughts. It is what we are thinking about. Alternatively it can be not thinking about things that do matter. You can see that the conditionings’ keeps us away from what matters to us. Some of the questions you can explore are;
Do I loose focus easily? Pressure from others can distract you from what your body is actually connected to.
Am I trying to answer everybody else’s questions? Are you preoccupied answering questions that matter to other people?
Am I preoccupied with finding answers to questions that don’t matter? Conditioning may have you believing that if you resolve this thing then you will be fulfilled or happier!
I need to find inspiration. This can be conditioning (a mental hunger) to find inspiration or a need to make sense of something. Know that confusion, doubt, clarity, making sense of things all happen in their own time and not through our control, force, exertion or will. You have permission to not know and you might not understand things that we feel pressured to understand.
You can be a compulsion to find the right person, or the right teaching, or the right inspiration in order to get the answers. There is a feeling with the open head center that if I can just find the answer to this it will resolve everything. Conditioning can have you believe that a mental answer can give you a type of finality or resolution.With all of the gates and there is a completely open center with no gates activated. There is a different kind of relationship. So if there are not gates defined in the open head center you may find you don’t know what to think or what to think about. There may be a kind of emptiness or spaciousness there. You may not even relate to mental pressure. So when you look around there a a lot of mental drive in our society and in our world, an open head center person may not have any interest in intellectual pressure. That thought process may not be a big part of your experience in the world.
As you consider the head open head center contemplate this question. Am I allowing my actions, my behaviour, my energy to be driven by trying to resolve questions that don’t actually matter? Do these questions I am trying to resolve have any relevance to my life? notice if that is a driver for what you do.
It is important to note that this is not about policing your mind. It is not about doing things in a certain way (or not). At this point it is important to catch yourself, see if you can see it. Can you see when you are under mental pressure? Can you see when you are trying to resolve things that don’t actually matter to you. can you tell when you are preoccupied with other peoples thoughts and questions.
This is how we are waking up to seeing and noticing how these not self themes are distracting us and even controlling us from what really matters to us. Distracting us from what our energy wants to do and where our attention naturally wants to go.